Control Big Media

Destroy the Media's and Big Tech's influence over your life

If information is power and the internet holds limitless information, why do people feel powerless?

If being connected (through the internet) brings us together, why are we more divided than ever?

If modern technology saves time, why does no one have time for the most important things?

Despite all of today’s high technology and never-ending media coverage of everything, it seems that everything promised is the opposite of everything delivered. If one were to plot a line of general craziness in the world, along side plots of the number of hours a day and the number of times a day the average person accessed the internet, they would likely trend 1 to 1. As well, there is another dark-side to the high-tech and media-conglomerate world we live in.

It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity [greed] may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. - C. S. Lewis

Today, we have the worst of both worlds: we live under high tech and media robber barons who are also moral busy bodies. The robber barons of old, to “give back” to the community, built libraries, universities, concert halls and such. Many of them are still here today. But how do the new robber barons “give back?” By using that high-tech to condition and propagandize everyone into being as morally perfect as they are. Why does not the media expose this? They work for them. Is this to be a managed democracy, of government of the intelligentsia, by the tech companies who silence free speech, for the oligarchs, whilst the media cheers?

This website is not so much how to destroy the media—it is destroying what shred of credibility reamins quite well. Rather it is more about how to destroy the influence of big media and big tech in your life. How to get out from under the constant drip of propaganda, and how to thwart efforts to be influenced. It is also a web site on how, and why, to manage one’s exposure to the internet in general and start living in the real world again. Along the way, this will mean not giving big media and big tech what they want, and you can defund them of them marketing you.

One could argue that the medium is the message. It may not matter as much what media is being consumed, but how much and how often it is being consumed. It used to be said that impressionable young people would adopt an ideology (i.e., a slick package of ideas that explains everything and will solve all the worlds' problems) but then grow out of it once they were exposed to real world. In other words, a hypothesis may look great, but when it does not stand up to actual observations of the real world, especially when the hypothesis fails when put into practice in the real world, it is modified or abandoned. What we have today are portable echo chambers that people stare at for hours a day, proselytizing and reinforcing a given ideology. It seems that few compare their ideology with real world results anymore. That is a danger to everyone. You may not be able to save the world, but you can save yourself.

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